Wednesday, March 7, 2012

True-False Quiz

True or False Quiz

True or False: James lit himself on fire in a church lighting prayer candles.

False, but almost true. Check out the photos of him lighting candles and note his sleeve from one photo to the next. He realized he was just about to start smoking and jumped back and pushed up his sleeve. (He says true, he actually did burn himself a bit, but Henry came to the rescue and put the candle in while James fled the scene.)

James lights a candle
James jumps back as he starts to burn
James tries again, but this time with sleeves out of the way

True or False: Jenn thoughtfully left apartment keys for Brad so he could get into the rented apartment after his long flight from Boston to join the trip for a few days.

True, she left them on the table with a note where to meet them later at the Eiffel Tower along with the vouchers needed to get on the tower tour. He phoned her from the apartment asking where the keys were. She told him, “On the table.” He pointed out the obvious, which was somehow not obvious to Jenn that morning: the table was INSIDE the apartment and without the keys to get into the apartment, he could not actually get the keys. Oops. Brad took a taxi to meet up with us when we were having our macaroon cooking class and was fed coffee and lunch and all turned out well as we didn’t actually need vouchers to get on the tour.

True or False: Jenn was run over by a car in Amsterdam.

False, but too-close-for-comfort-and-almost-true.  She crossed the street when the crossing light was red and a car had to slam on its brakes to avoid smashing her into the cobblestone. In her defense, Jenn was watching the numbers count down on the crossing light. In the US and Spain, the numbers count down the amount of time left to safely cross the street. In the Netherlands, however, the numbers count down the amount of time you have to wait before you can cross the street. If getting almost run over wasn’t enough, the second car in line took the time to honk and make evil hand-gestures at her. “I’m a stupid tourist, I get it!” she yelled at the car in vain.

True or False: James rammed into a wheelchair while playing soccer in the Place de Concorde in Paris.

True. Here’s the video.

True or False: You need to drink a lot of tequila to make a fool out of yourself in a Mexican restaurant.

False. James and Henry just needed matching shirts and a pair of sombreros.


True or False: Belgian waffles are thick, gooey, and filling, so you only need one.

True, but need and want are clearly different concepts on this trip.



Random tourist enjoying a waffle

True or False: The Spanish understand rude American finger gestures.

Hopefully false, since Henry flipped off a female driver who almost ran him over in a parking lot. He must have learned this from a Boston-driving dad?

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