Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cologne with Old Friends, Chocolate, and Crazy Football Fans

We spent Saturday morning at the Chocolate Museum (seeing, sampling...) with James' former nanny, Marina. Then we went to the Cologne Cathedral (largest facade for a church in the world and HUGE). After that we strolled through the CROWDED shopping district which, I'm told, is wall to wall at Christmas and you can only walk at a shuffled pace. Yipes. I thought this was crowded. I wish we'd had more time since there were dyed-hair-pierced kids with skateboards, leather, and bright leggings, street musicians, random ponies, and more. Unfortunately we had to go quickly, but did, of course, have time to stop for a sausage (being a vegetarian in Germany is trying, to say the least).

The highlight of the day - even more than a museum about chocolate - was the football (soccer) match between Koln and Bayer. 46,000 plus fans all screaming, chanting, and lighting the stadium on fire. Don't believe me - see the photos. Real flames. Real smoke. And I thought firing off blanks from the 4 muskets at the Revolution Games in Boston was exciting. Hah. This was AMAZING! Photos below and eventually videos since although the photos are pretty cool, you can't see all the fans hopping up and down in union or waving their scarves in the stills.

Some of the photos are here:

View Album

More to come if the internet picks up speed.

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